Value Added Analysis
Instantly Create Value Added Analysis Reports
Timer Pro’s Value Added Analysis report visually summarizes value added, non value added and required non value added work content by:
- An Entire Process
- All Process Tasks
- All Activities within a Task

The Excel based report is used to guide and focus the process improvement efforts of your management, engineers and staff on maximizing your value added work content and eliminating waste.
You can use your own Excel skills to eliminate and remove non value added work content and with a single click send your updates back to Timer Pro to quantify the effect of your changes.
This report was developed and refined via current Timer Pro client input.

Google Unwanted Software Policy Compliance Statement
We hereby attest that the software application offered here is developed, owned and distributed by us for the purposes of process measurement to support your continuous improvement initiatives; will not affect the performance of your system hardware or change any system settings; is easily completely removable from your system; does not collect or transmit any private information in any form; is not bundled with any other software; is free of malware.