Time Study Template

FREE Time Study Template

Free Time Study Template with Detailed Reporting and Yamazumi Charts - the Easiest Time Study Ever
Includes: Timer Pro's Time Study Reporting Module

The free time study template includes access to the full Timer Pro Excel-based Reporting Module from the Summary sheet.

Clients report up to 95% time savings over manual calculations and generate multiple detailed time study reports and charts in seconds.

Time Study Template graph

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Includes: Create Line Balance and Yamazumi Charts

Timer Pro clients report reductions of 60% in time to rebalance cells and lines. Instantly see your time study data and line balances in Toyota’s Yamazumi charts – all in Excel. Quickly identify improvement opportunities with color-coded VA, NVA, and required NVA activities.

Click Image Above to Enlarge

Includes: Perform Time Studies Directly in Excel

Define your activities in column A. Click a start cell in column B – the start time appears. Click the Stop cell in column C to indicate the end time of the activity. The elapsed time is shown in column D and the date and time stamped observation is recorded starting in column E in the time study template.

Click Image Above to Enlarge

Google Unwanted Software Policy Compliance Statement

We hereby attest that the software application offered here is developed, owned and distributed by us for the purposes of process measurement to support  your continuous improvement initiatives; will not affect the performance of your system hardware or change any system  settings; is easily completely removable from your system; does not collect or transmit any private information in any form;  is not bundled with any other software; is free of malware.