PFMEA - Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

PFMEA - Anticipate and Prevent Potential Issues
The use of a PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) form is a tool that associates risk levels to each step of a process. PFMEA is intended to prevent defects from occurring by anticipating potential issues and allowing you to implement control measures in advance.
The risk level is typically quantified by calculating a Risk Priority Number (RPN) for each process step. There are many different ranking scales in use. An example can be found at DMAIC TOOLS

The benefit of Timer Pro’s PFMEA is that since it is done in Excel you can customize any number of forms to meet your specific needs. The fact that the forms are in Excel means that you can work completely independently of any application. In addition the PFMEA forms management in Timer Pro uses the same revision control capabilities that are standard in Timer Pro Work instructions so you can automatically maintain revisions of your PFMEAs.
Advantages of Timer Pro PFMEA
- Ideal for all Manufacturers and Suppliers
- Excel PFMEA worksheets can be used independently of Timer Pro
- Create any number of PFMEA Excel formats for your different areas
- Completely user-definable severity, occurrence and detection parameters for RPN calculations.
- Define your own severity ranges, color coding and actions for Baseline, Control Measures and Current States
- Video (if used) linked to each activity for review directly from Excel.
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We hereby attest that the software application offered here is developed, owned and distributed by us for the purposes of process measurement to support your continuous improvement initiatives; will not affect the performance of your system hardware or change any system settings; is easily completely removable from your system; does not collect or transmit any private information in any form; is not bundled with any other software; is free of malware.